Login or RegisterTeacher Faves & Wish Lists 


Volunteer Opportunities & Updates


LISD requires an updated background check form EVERY year. 

Log on to VOLY to make sure that yours is up-to-date here: LISD VOLY

On VOLY, go to "My Applications" -- "Applications" -- "Background Check"

Click here: Voly Quick Start Guide


Coming soon

Volunteer survey & opportunity to sign up to be a

room rep (aka classroom parent or lead parent) for your child's class. 


Room reps facilitate communication between the class parents, including reminders about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. They also check-in periodically with their teacher regarding any needs for the class (volunteer help, supply donations, etc) and communicate this out to families as needed. Room reps may coordinate class get togethers, such as a class meetup at a park or spirit night for example.  In the spring semester, room reps are reponsible for coordinating donations from the class and putting together a themed auction basket to be included in the annual Spring Fest Silent Auction.  They also send reminders & teacher wishlists out to families for teacher birthdays, and communicate information from the PTA related to teacher appreciation week the first week of May.


 Ongoing opportunities



Help support our teachers in the Copy Room! Come in once a week, once a month, or whatever works best for you! Sign up coming soon!


Learn about classroom volunteer needs by emailing Amber at volunteers@prairietrailpta.org.






We are looking for positive male role models to promote the value of education and act as an extra set of eyes and ears to enhance safety at PTE. Sign up coming soon, or learn more HERE.






We have Fall & Spring Saturday Service Projects in and around campus. Learn more HERE


Help the school librarian with various needs to make the library magical for

our students. Sign up coming soon!

Snack Pantry Donations for Kids in Need

Donations can be dropped at the office or shopped directly

from our Amazon Wish List by clicking HERE.


If shopping Amazon, check the "Prairie Trail Elementary c/o Natalie Smith"

address to have your items delivered directly to the school.



 Want to volunteer but unable to attend the volunteer orientation?

Click here: General Volunteer & Room Rep Training PowerPoint

Interested in helping on a PTA Committee? 

We would love to have you!

Contact Amber at volunteers@prairietrailpta.org


Upcoming Events  

 Full Calendar

Donate Now!

Help us do more great things.  Consider donating today.

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Your logo could be here! Contact our Vice President of Ways & Means today to become a sponsor.